Our school offers a variety of useful links and information for parents and carers to access.
Australian Association of Special Education
The Australian Association of Special Education is a broad-based non-categorical association concerned with all who have special education needs.
Australian Health Directory
Australian Health Directory is a portal providing access to an array of Australian health industry information.
Autism Advisory service
The Autism Advisory Service's Parents and Carers Support Group meets every Thursday at 10:30am at 88 Memorial Ave, Liverpool. Please call Fiona on 0428 101 896 if you would like to attend.
Legal Aid NSW
Legal Aid NSW has plain language legal information including factsheets and guides to help you with your legal issues. Information is available in community languages.
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool City Council provides a range of services for residents including vaccinations, library, speech therapy and citizenship. Information is available in community languages.
Fairfield City Council
Fairfield City Council provides a range of services for residents including vaccinations, library access, speech therapy and citizenship. Information is available in community languages.
National Organisation of Rare Diseases (NORD)
NORD is a unique federation of voluntary health organisations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organisations that serve them.
Centre for Genetics Education
Centre for Genetics Education provides current and relevant genetics information to individuals and family members affected by genetic conditions and the professionals who work with them.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a major social and economic reform that would transform Australia's current crisis-driven and welfare-based approach to disability services. The no-fault insurance scheme will benefit everyone who has, or acquires a significant disability by making services for people with disabilities and their families effective, equitable and efficient.
Livewire is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Starlight Children's Foundation and is supported by funding from the Australian government, under the Clever Networks Program, and in-kind contributions from Starlight and Livewire partners. Together we are working towards providing free and safe online communities for families affected by a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability.
Ramp up
ABC has launched a new site called Ramp Up, which is dedicated to all things disability - to ramp up the conversation about disability in Australia. Ramp Up will feature columns from a wide range of people with disabilities that will entertain, inspire, delight and provoke. It'll also be packed with the latest news from the sector, drawn from across the ABC. It is a place for people with disabilities to have their say, debate current issues and have a laugh about the weird and wacky situations people with disabilities find themselves in every day.
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre is an information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, intrastate or anywhere within Australia.
Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS)
MHCS provides information and services to assist health professionals to communicate with no-English speaking communities throughout New South Wales. Over 400 publications on health in a wide range of languages and news publications are added regularly.
NSW Avocate for Children and Young People (ACYP)
The ACYP Independent organisation that advocates for the children and young people of NSW.
NSW Department of Community Services
The Department of Community Services provides child protection services, parenting support and early intervention, foster care, adoption services and help for communities affected by disasters.
NSW Health
NSW Health provides a comprehensive range of health and health related services covering health protection, health promotion and education, health screening, diagnosis, treatment, emergency transport, acute care, rehabilitation, continuing care for chronic illness, counselling, support and palliative care.
Physical Disability Council of NSW (PDCN)
The PDCN is the state of NSW a voice for people with physical disability. The sites main focus is on providing people with disabilities with the necessary information, knowledge and skills required to manage their own lives.
Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS)
The MPS is a source of information on parking concessions to people with mobility disabilities.
Siblings Australia
Siblings Australia develops and coordinates services for families, and in particular, bothers and sisters of children with special needs.
Northcott Equipment Solutions (NES)
At Northcott Equipment Solutions, sales expert advice and service of products which allow people with disabilities to achieve greater mobility, independence and freedom, are all in one organisation. This provides an efficient and complete customer service - second to no other mobility equipment outlet.
Information on Disability Equipment Access Service (IDEAS)
IDEAS provides information on physical and intellectual disabilities, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech/language difficulties, psychiatric, genetic, as well as issues around ageing and acquired brain injury and other conditions.
Independent Living Centre NSW
Independent Living Centre NSW offers a comprehensive range of products and services on the assistive technology database to inform public about daily living activities.
Cerebral Palsy Alliance
Cerebral Palsy Alliance help people living with cerebral palsy and other neurological and physical disabilities lead comfortable, independent and inclusive lives possible.
People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA)
PWDA is a national disability rights advocacy and representative organisation that is made up of, led and governed by people with disability.
Epilepsy Action Australia
Epilepsy Action Australia provides solutions to ensure that those affected by epilepsy have the skills and capabilities to live life unobstructed.
Specific Learning Difficulties Association of NSW (SPELD)
SPELD NSW provides advice and services to children and adults with specific learning difficulties and those who teach, work with and care for them.
Vision Australia
Vision Australia provides services to assist those with blindness and low vision impairment.
Lifestart is a non for profit providing early intervention and school-age years inclusion support programs and supports to children and young people 0 to 24 years living with a disability or developmental delay.
National Association of Community Leagal Centres (NACLC)
NACLC is a not for profit, community-based organisations that provide free legal advice, casework and information and a range of community development services to their local or special interest communities.
Riding for the Disabled Association NSW
Riding for the Disabled Association gives those with a disability, the opportunity to ride and enjoy all the activities connected with horse riding.
Sailability is a program at some sailing clubs that offers an additional level of support, an established network of volunteers, and equipment to assist people of all abilities to get into sailing. Each club offering a Sailability program has a Sailability Coordinator who is a point of contact for people who wat to find out more. They are supported by a team of volunteers who are passionate about welcoming people of all abilities to sailing
Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
MND provides information and support for those who have and know people with motor neurone disease.
Next Sense previously known as Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC)
Next Sense provides support to those who have hearing or vision impairment, and the people who support them.
City of Sydney
The City of Sydney offers a range of services and programs for young people and encourage their contributions to the community. They aim to be inclusive and accessible, providing information and services catering specifically to our residents, workers and visitors with a disability.
Down Syndrome NSW
Down Syndrome NSW works with and represents people with Down syndrome to help them achieve their full potential in all life stages.
Dyspraxia Foundation
The Dyspraxia Foundation is committed to making the teaching and medical professions more aware of dyspraxia, and to spread the understanding of how those who have the condition can be helped.
Early Childhood Intervention Australia Ltd (ECIA)
The ECIA is the peak national organisation promoting the interests of young children with developmental delay or disability, their families and communities.
Family Education
Family Education aims to make it easier for busy moms and dads like you to raise happy, healthy, engaged children at every age and stage.
Fams NSW
Children are kept safe by quality services which help kids and families where they need it. Fams makes this possible by advocating for better public policy, advising how to achieve sustainable and measurable outcomes and acting to help vulnerable children, young people, families and communities.
Fragile X
Fragile X aims to improve the wellbeing of Australians affected by Fragile X disorders by offering support and services.
Health Translations
Health Translations aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline offers a safe, fun and interactive place for kids and young people to explore issues that are important to them.
LD Online
LD Online seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD.
Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order.
Parent Line
Parent Line is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents of children ages 0 to 18 who live in New South Wales. Their New South Wales phone number is 1300 1300 52.
Raising Children Network
Raising Children provides information that can help parents with the day to day decisions of raising children and looking after their own needs.